Hogmanay: Celebrating the New Year with the Scots
For centuries, various cultures all over the world have celebrated New Year — the winter solstice, the time of year when the days (and the light) begin to return. Especially for agrarian cultures, it was a time for rejoicing. The…
Those Tart Little Cranberries
One of the biggest crops produced in Massachusetts is cranberries, that little fruit that helps make the holiday season red. In fact, the Bay State is not only the second-largest producer of cranberries in the country, but it’s also home…
Another Take on Thanksgiving Contributions
Are you, like me, celebrating your upcoming Thanksgiving feast as a guest? Are your hosts asking you for a dish to share? That’s a great deal! True, you won’t have those heavenly aromas in your kitchen, or leftover turkey and…
New New Year’s Brunch Traditions
From your email, please click on the title to view the photos and comment online. On the Website, you can read past blogs, search for recipes, and browse. For my New Year’s Day brunch, I will be enjoying toasted…
Cheery Christmas Cookies
From your email, please click on the title to view the photos and comment online. On the Website, you can read past blogs, search for recipes, and browse. It’s Christmas, time to celebrate the season of giving. And what…
Tips for Holiday Road Tripping with Dishes to Share
From your email, please click on the title to view the photos and comment online. On the Website, you can read past blogs, search for recipes, and browse. Are you joining family or friends for a holiday dinner? If…
Long-Life Noodles for Health and Good Fortune
In this part of the world, when it gets dark early and holiday celebrating is pretty much done, we all could use a little levity and good luck as the new year begins. In fact, civilizations all over the world…
The Many Traditions of Midwinter Feasts
During my lifetime, this has always been the season for the ultimate feast. When I was growing up, we met at my grandmother’s house for a huge family meal with ham and turkey or goose, side dishes of vegetables and…
Emulating Indigenous People in Giving Thanks
We’re about to partake in Thanksgiving, an annual event that typically involves a traditional collection of relatives and people you know together with a turkey, a lot of food, and occasional overeating. For some, it’s not Thanksgiving without a communal…
The Rites of Spring, Mesopotamian Style
Spring in our part of New England is sort of springing. Two steps forward, one step back; from cool to warm and back again. Flowers are sprouting up, the promise of warmth is growing, the days are longer, and we’re…