Sandwiches for Summertime
I tend to associate this time of year with the ultimate convenience food – the humble sandwich. The beauty of this meal is that you can put almost any food you love between two slices of bread. It’s not just…
A Meditation on Farm Foods of My Youth
During these dog days of summer, I’m having a hard time gaining any enthusiasm for cooking a meal. Instead, I find myself musing upon the favorite foods of my youth. Food nostalgia is built into our DNA early in life,…
Making Stock of the Christmas Feast
Holiday feasts are the gifts that keep on giving – and I don’t mean the leftovers. You can do great things with the bones from your roast, whatever than might be, and the vegetables that didn’t get used. Yes, I’m…
Scandinavian Christmas Traditions
In mid-December Scandinavia, it’s dark – just six hours of light each day. The sun rises in Oslo at around 9:20 a.m. and sets at about 3:15 in the afternoon. Winter is setting in now, and the locals are happy…
Old-Fashioned Family Food Nostalgia
Each of us has a portfolio of recipes that we ate as children, but that are no longer on our adult menus. Think about your own experience. You can probably come up with a goodly number of meals that were…
Modernizing Classic 1950s Farm Recipes
On a rainy spring day, I’m musing about some of the recipes that I miss from my wastrel youth, and I’m thinking that some of those out-of-favor dishes deserve a second, modern look. I’m not talking about tuna noodle casserole,…
Ham and Dumplings
When visiting my mother for her 97th birthday, she requested that I make her some ham and dumplings. My version uses 2-3 ham hocks, which can be bought in most supermarkets. However, this is a good way to use…
Red Beans and Rice
This recipe is adapted from Bill Neal's Southern Cooking. I suggest adding some additional spices.
Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
A modern version of a classic Midwest dish.