• Food Stories

    Sandwiches for Summertime

    I tend to associate this time of year with the ultimate convenience food – the humble sandwich. The beauty of this meal is that you can put almost any food you love between two slices of bread. It’s not just…

  • Food Stories

    What’s Hot? Outdoor Pizza

    Memorial Day marks the beginning of the season for cooking outdoors, and I’ve heard from several friends who say they are looking forward to making pizza. Outside. Apparently, outdoor pizza ovens are a “thing.” Pizza is one of the first…

  • Food Stories

    Spring Soups from the Garden

    My friend Greg, who has been gardening for more than 30 years, knows his vegetables, and he loves spring soups. His huge garden here in northeast Massachusetts has already offered up soup ingredients – kale and asparagus, and greens for…

  • Food Stories

    Are You a Climavore – Yet?

    What drives our decisions about what to eat? Are more consumers becoming “climavores” – choosing their diet based on the impact on climate change? The global consulting firm Kearney conducted a survey on the topic, questioning 1,000 consumers concerning their…

  • Food Stories

    Easter Vacation

    When I was growing up in the farmland of the Midwest, the Easter dinner menu was baked in. We had a big feast at the home of my grandparents together with aunts, uncles, and a dozen kids. Ham, turkey, and…

  • Food Stories

    Trending Now: Tinned Fish

    If you grew up as I did, far away from the ocean in the middle of the country in the 1950s, you didn’t want to eat store-bought fish. It smelled and tasted, well, “fishy.” The transportation and distribution systems of…