• Food Stories

    Tasty Ways for a New Year Reset

    The big winter feasts are done, and now, many of us are readjusting what we eat. After a month’s worth of rich food and sweet desserts, not to mention three batches of Christmas cookies (thank you, Mrs. Farmboy), it’s time…

  • Food Stories

    Breakfast for Dinner

    Many of us have made major adjustments to our consumption in recent years for a variety of reasons – environmental responsibility, health, tastes, even the ready availability of different ingredients. That’s led me to think about how my habits have…

  • Food Stories

    Taking a Chance on Spam

    Some of my readers will say piffle at the suggestion of Spam. But before your knee jerks, hear me out. It’s time to take a second look (or taste) at Spam. Yes, that canned meat first marketed in 1937 and…

  • Food Stories

    Whatever Happened to Pudding?

    I’d like to know: what happened to pudding? Especially in the 1950s, thanks to good old Jell-O, our pantry was well-stocked with vanilla and chocolate pudding boxes. And when our local grade school began providing hot lunches, I would look…

  • Food Stories

    Emulating Indigenous People in Giving Thanks

    We’re about to partake in Thanksgiving, an annual event that typically involves a traditional collection of relatives and people you know together with a turkey, a lot of food, and occasional overeating. For some, it’s not Thanksgiving without a communal…

  • Food Stories

    Rethinking Thanksgiving Turkey

    As we come upon Thanksgiving, I find myself asking: “Why turkey?” After all, the traditional feast was built around mythology; authentic records don’t exist. Historians actually surmise that the 1621 colonists viewed the large birds as hard to prepare. Hmmm.…

  • Food Stories

    Soul-Satisfying Soup

    The weather is downright cool at night and the leaves are falling: It’s soup season. When I visited my mother on the farm in mid-October, she requested ham soup with dumplings. Upon returning home, I’ve been following that lead, cooking…